miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Assignment 4

Assignment 4

1. Discuss what the main idea of the video is?
The main idea is to see how much the world has changed throughout history. Technology affects positively and negatively the people. It makes you think if you are past oriented or future oriented. For example, people cant manage waiting anymore and kids now have a different mentality.

 2. Do you see yourself as past oriented or future oriented? Why?
I see myself as a future oriented person because technology is part of me. I see time like opportunities to do something and I get anxious pretty fast. I don't look at my past like I look at my future, the future is more important to me.

 3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker in the video? Explain why?
I agree because he says that people now a days cant wait for something, they want everything FAST!!! In addition, I also believe kids focus more on playing video games than focusing on the future. There is also many people that look at the past and not in the future and that waste their time only on job and not family anymore.

 4. Do you agree with the speaker's view that young adults' minds are being "digitally rewired"? Explain your answer.
I do because young adults are addicted to technology, they want to be updated with the world. Also, people have begun to be more lazy than ever and they just want to do nothing. They prefer to drop school than to be listening to a teacher.

 5. Why does the narrator in the video argue that young people dislike a single-function device such as a wristwatch? 
The narrator argues because we want more. The wristwatch doesn't do anything special at all. We want things like phones that can multitask.

1. Why did Sir Tim Berner's Lee decide to make the World Wide Web free when he created it at CERN?
Because he noticed that more users would wanted because it was free. Many people don't want to pay for things, and now it is a daily thing. The World War Web is something everyone wants and needs and he figured that out.

 2. What are the benefits of having "web addresses," an idea that Sir Tim Berner's Lee created?
We can look up many things nonstop! Whenever we want to look information we can with just a click, and if we want to look more we can. It is more easier than finding info in a book.

3. How does the World Wide Web allow people from all over the world to communicate?
Because it is a big network linked to many webpages. The links connect all over the world which allow people to communicate through world wide web pages. Social media allows people to also communicate.

4. Why is it important to link information? What are the benefits of having instant access to information?
Because if we link information we have better access and we know more specific details. The benefits, are many, we can find answers in seconds. Also, it can help us when we need the answer instantly and there is no time to wait.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Assignment 2

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Assignment 2

Questions 1,2,9, and 10 should be answered in 3-5 sentences. 

1. What are the pros and cons of using Google Drive to complete a project like the one you just did for your Technology Presentation.

 Pros: It is easy to handle because it is similar to a PowerPoint. It saves your work by itself. There are many options to edit. It is an easy way to share your work with others plus it's free.
Cons: It doesn't do spellcheck automatically like Microsoft. there aren't many layouts you can pick from. There aren't many variety kinds of fonts, sizes or colors.

 2. What did you learn about your technology that you didn't know before? Explain.

We learn who made YouTube and its first video which is still viewable. We learned about the history and its transformation. It was a long process but very interesting. Now it is one of the most visited webpages.

 3. Create a test question using the information you researched from your project. You must come up with a question and at least 4 responses or answers to choose from. 

Question?: What company bought YouTube?
A. Bing
B. Google
C. Facebook
D. No one, YouTube is still on its own

4. What does URL stand for?
 Uniform (or universal) resource locator

5. What is the URL for Mr. Fierro's Blogger?

6. What is your URL for your Blogger created for Principles of Technology class?

7. Using the notes from the Parts of a Computer System, identify and define the four parts of a complete computer system.
  1. hardware- Any part of the computer you can touch. A computer's hardware consists of interconnected electronic devices that you can use to control the computer's operation, input, and output.
  2. software- A set of instructions that makes the computer perform tasks. In other words , software tells the computer what to do.
  3. user- People are the computer operators.
  4. data- Consist of individual facts or pieces of information that by themselves may not make much sense to a person. A computer's primary job is to process these tiny pieces of data in various ways, converting them into useful information.
 8. Name 3 input devices and 3 output devices.

Input: Mouse, Keyboard, Microphone

Output: Monitor, Speakers, Printer.

9. Write about the most interesting software you have ever used on a computer. Explain why it was your favorite or what you liked about the software you have chosen to write about.

My favorite software is Microsoft Windows because it is easy to use and has many programs that are helpful for school. I like how you can use many things on the software. Its pretty and also very colorful but not that much like the new version.

10. Why do you think important technology corporations like Apple, Microsoft, and Sony create new versions of their product often? Think about why every few months to a year a new iPad or iPhone is released... Explain.

Because they want people to buy the new products and keep up with new technology. People also tell them what should the product have and they keep making them better and better. They also make them to beat their competition and be the best corporation.

11. For question 11 you will research on the World Wide Web. What are the units of measure for a computer memory storage? Fill in this table with your answers. Must fill in unit abbreviation, and approximate value.

Approximate Value (bytes)
1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion)

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Assignment 1

You must write in complete sentences.
Responses for questions 2 and 8 should be between 3-5 sentences long.

1.  Create an acrostic poem using your first name. So what you are going to do is use each letter in your name to create an adjective that describes you or use each letter to write something you like to do.

2. What technologies do you use in your everyday life? Describe how and why you use the technologies you do.

Everyday I use my cellphone to communicate with my friends and family. It is a fun and easy way to see what is going on with everyone! With my cellphone I can use social medias like facebook, instagram, youtube, and many others. I also use computers for entertainment., however most of the time I use it for homework and other things that have to do with school. TV is part of my life as well because I can watch my favorite shows.

 3. The ________System unit_____ is a case that holds the computer's critical components.

4. A(n) _____Workstation_______ is a specialized, single-user computer that typically has more power than a standard PC.

5. A(n) ________Network Server____ is usually a powerful personal computer that functions as the primary computer in a network.

6. __________Supercomputers_____ are the most powerful computers made.

7. What does "PC" stand for?

Past Commander &
Personal Computer

 8. Research how computers play a crucial part in nearly every government agency. Pick an agency and discuss how that agency uses computers and why computers make their jobs easier. Some examples of government agencies that use technology frequently are the U.S. Census Bureau, IRS, Military, and Police.
Computers are crucial for many agencies like the police because of many reasons. Computers help police fight crime because they can communicate with others and also do research of cases. They get information faster and also get pictures of criminals and read records and do reports. In police vehicles they look up information, run license plates and make the world a more secure place.